Friday, December 2, 2011

The Planning Continues

Do you ever have the mood hit you, the "I've got money I want to buy something" mood? Yeah, me neither. However, in my defence this mood struck because the time to give gifts is at hand and I would like to give some thoughtful gifts this year. I want to 1)Spend moderately 2)Support a local business with my purchase 3)Witness the reaction of truly thoughtful/insightful gifts on Christmas morn.

So I headed over to Elliott Bay Books and began perusing the stacks, thinking of everyone on my list (except for me!). Hours later, I find a single book for a single member of my family, I decide that it is too overwhelming to find something for everyone in one sitting and make my way to the checkout stand with my eyes roving over the books on my way. Low and behold, right there in front of me, not two steps away from where I was (just leaving mind you), "The Urban Farm Handbook". Oooh....and it was written by a Seattle woman and it has recipes and instructions pertaining to our climate AND I'm "in the mood"? Needless to elaborate, I bought it too.

Open first perusal, I think this is gong to be a wonderful resource, chickens, goats, crop planning, preserving, it has it all.

1 comment:

RugbugRedfern said...

Aww! We hope you love the book! I used to live on Capitol Hill and helped build the P-Patch shed at 1010 E Thomas there. I remember loving the way people on The Hill, lacking enough space for a backyard garden, just ripped up the front lawn and planted things along the sidewalk. So you'd lose half your tomatoes to vagrants. At least they'd give back, in the form of urinary fertilization (about 16 times too strong for your plants, but it's the thought that counts!).